Hey, I’m Daniel and welcome to my journey!

I’m originally from a small town in Hesse, Germany in which I’m still living today. My childhood wasn’t too special except that my shyness often bothered me in school and my private life. I’m normally an adventurous person who’s ready for all kind of crazy stuff. I still remember a conversation on a school trip in my final year before graduation. We talked to each other about whether we like ourselves, and I just said I’m fine. Sometimes, I’m thinking about it and ask myself, how my last year would’ve been different if I had the strength to talk about it openly. I had to wait two more years until I got enough strength to take a big step which would change my life forever. My first solo trip to Canada back in 2015.

My travel history

I’ve always been interested in other countries and geography overall. It was my favorite subject in school. In my last year there, I discovered that there are 1-month summer train passes for Germany. I often woke up early, visited many different parts of Germany and even some closer cities in other countries nearby. That was the first introduction in doing my own planning and setting my own schedule. A year later in my semester break I asked myself, why not start to travel when I have time now? I thought about different destinations and I chose Canada as my first destination. I was very excited but also scared. Will I meet other people there, or will I be lonely for all the weeks? In the end I just boarded the plane and flew to Halifax. From there on nearly everything worked well, and I had an amazing time. I became addicted and wanted more… First Croatia and Slovenia, then Hong Kong, followed by 16 more countries until now. I always planned my travels in much detail and just made a recent change in my last two trips. The first trip of this kind was in Southeast Europe. Sometimes, I woke up and didn’t know where I would be the next day. I’ve realized that travelling more flexible has many advantages in contrast to my classic planned trips.